The Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) contains financial results of the Fund’s operation in a fiscal year. The ACFR also includes investment, actuarial, and statistical information about the Fund for the fiscal year.

Past ACFR Reports:

                        2020     2019

2018     2015     2012     2009
2017     2014     2011     2008
2016     2013     2010     2007


The Fund’s management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the Fund’s financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. In compliance with 40 ILCS 5/5-188, the Fund contracts with an independent certified public accounting firm to perform an annual audit of the assets of the Fund and issue a financial opinion.

Audit Reports:

2023     2017

2022     2016     2011

2021     2015     2010 

2020     2014     2009

2019    2013     2008

2018    2012     2007


Each year, the Actuary for PABF prepares a Valuation Report and GASB 67/68 Actuarial Reports as part of the annual close of the fiscal year. The reports are presented to the Board of Trustees for review and approval. The Valuation Report includes funding status and other related matters to meet the various regulatory requirements. The GASB 67/68 Reports assists PABF to comply with financial reporting requirements and is provided to the Fund’s Auditor as part of the annual audit.